FORUM - For Generals Only
There are only a few Frequently Asked Questions as todate. Do drop us an email if you have any questions regarding the gameplay.

Q: If I launched an Attack Card from Terrain: High Ground to a player in Terrain: Narrow Passes, can that player use Ambush to counter my attack?
A: No, The benefits are on the player that initate the attack. Moreover, Terrain: High Ground disallow opponent to use any battle cards except Retreat when ruler used an Attack card to initate a battle. Terrain: Narrow Passes only allows ruler to use Ambush as any battle cards in terms of reacting to opponent's attack.

Q: Can I play an Allies card on a opponent after I have played a Retreat card during a battle?
A: No, Allies card may only be played any time during a battle. When a Retreat card is played, you have already decided to end the battle. Hence, the battle has ended and you may not play the Allies card on another player.